New site launch!
Yoga is applied living, the truth and innate nature of beings. Yoga is compassion in practice to oneself and others, and recipe for peace and Self-realisation. Where the practice of hatha yoga is widely known for its physical and physiological health benefits, appropriate adaptations of the practice potentially nourish one’s mental and emotional well-being.
It is the practitioners' experience and the increasing awareness of this practice, thus the connection to oneself and people around which is most profound. Living one’s yoga beyond the mat…
There are many styles of yoga and the list continues to grow. Having experienced various styles offered today, I believe it is the wisdom of the teacher, the readiness of the student, and the earnest intention behind the teacher-student relationship that facilitates this exchange process.
It is the practitioners' experience and the increasing awareness of this practice, thus the connection to oneself and people around which is most profound. Living one’s yoga beyond the mat…
There are many styles of yoga and the list continues to grow. Having experienced various styles offered today, I believe it is the wisdom of the teacher, the readiness of the student, and the earnest intention behind the teacher-student relationship that facilitates this exchange process.
Adelene's teaching objective:
' To call forth and facilitate the growth of my students, through empowerment and self-inquiry,
so to realise one's fullest potential... at one's own pace. '
Now yoga is unveiled... Now yoga is shared.
' To call forth and facilitate the growth of my students, through empowerment and self-inquiry,
so to realise one's fullest potential... at one's own pace. '
Now yoga is unveiled... Now yoga is shared.